I DID IT!!! I committed to myself on August 3rd that I would go to the gym every day for 90 days straight and today was day 90! I successfully honored my commitment to me. I am feeling stronger and healthier and I've lost 26 pounds since I started on the journey of returning to a healthy weight. So I decided to extend the commitment to the end of the year...another 60 days.
I don't know what made this time different from other times I have planned to exercise regularly, only to get started and go for two or three days and then...nothing. I think publicly declaring that I was doing this made me less willing to let myself down. I also didn't want to admit publicly that I failed.
There have been a few commitments I have made to me, and kept, over the past several years. I changed my whole lifestyle, diet and fitness after I went through chemo. Unfortunately, the fitness part went by the wayside and I gained back some of the 135 pounds I lost at the time.
About 3 years ago, I had a serious addiction to the game Candy Crush so I gave it up as a New Year's vow and I never looked back. I also, that same New Year's, committed to journaling every night and have been faithful to that commitment except when I was in the hospital after my heart attack. As soon as I was sent home, I resumed journaling and have faithfully every night before bed.
I decided after the July blog challenge I participated in that I would continue blogging every day and I have done so since July 1st.
This time I recommitted to my healthy diet (including portion control) and fitness and wouldn't go to bed without going to the gym. Because of this, many times I have gone to the gym at 10:30 at night so I didn't miss a day.
Why did I pick ninety days? There is some science behind the magic number of ninety days but it can actually take between three weeks and eight months to form a new habit, depending on the habit and the individual. It's part of the reason I decided to extend the daily gym appointment for the next sixty days. I want to make daily exercise a non-negotiable part of my life. I haven't felt this energetic and strong in a long time. I want to keep this feeling and continue building my strength and fitness.
Feeling this well and healthy should be reason enough to continue my daily exercise but my history has shown over and over again that I can easily be distracted from continuing down this path. So I decided to try a different way of doing things. You know..."the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein. Well, I am no longer interested in acting insane. That hasn't worked so well for me.
What should you be committing to yourself? What changes do you want to make, and make stick? Whatever it is, do it for at least ninety days so it becomes a habit. You want to make it so you don't even have to think about it, you just do it. It's pretty powerful.
Are you dreading the holidays, knowing that you won't be able to wear the same clothes on New
Years that you wore at the beginning of the feeding frenzy we call the holiday season? Are you worried that you might undo all the good you have done recently for your health? Do you think you might go off the rails with your food choices? Do the holidays get really stressful and cause you to make food choices that may not be very healthy?
If any of the above scares you, I can help you get through the next two months with my Healthy Holidays program. And you won't even have to leave the comfort of your home.
I am offering SPECIAL PRICING until THURSDAY 11/7 for anyone who signs up by then. The regular price of this program is $297 but until 11/7, the price is only $247...that's a $50 savings!
If you would like to have a free consultation about the Healthy Holidays program, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.
Feeling this well and healthy should be reason enough to continue my daily exercise but my history has shown over and over again that I can easily be distracted from continuing down this path. So I decided to try a different way of doing things. You know..."the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein. Well, I am no longer interested in acting insane. That hasn't worked so well for me.
What should you be committing to yourself? What changes do you want to make, and make stick? Whatever it is, do it for at least ninety days so it becomes a habit. You want to make it so you don't even have to think about it, you just do it. It's pretty powerful.
Are you dreading the holidays, knowing that you won't be able to wear the same clothes on New
Years that you wore at the beginning of the feeding frenzy we call the holiday season? Are you worried that you might undo all the good you have done recently for your health? Do you think you might go off the rails with your food choices? Do the holidays get really stressful and cause you to make food choices that may not be very healthy?
If any of the above scares you, I can help you get through the next two months with my Healthy Holidays program. And you won't even have to leave the comfort of your home.
I am offering SPECIAL PRICING until THURSDAY 11/7 for anyone who signs up by then. The regular price of this program is $297 but until 11/7, the price is only $247...that's a $50 savings!
If you would like to have a free consultation about the Healthy Holidays program, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.
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