Thursday, January 31, 2019


 False   Evidence   Appearing   Real
What holds you back? Are you afraid of failure? How about success? Maybe rejection? Are you living your dreams? Or are you working at a job you don't care much about or even dread going to every day?

We all  have something we're afraid of; something that keeps us from doing what we want to do. It may be because of past failures or the anticipation of a future know, something that hasn't happened yet.

Fear has a purpose. It's a survival mechanism. It's what has kept the human race from dying out. It is our brain's way of keeping us safe. It works like it should when we are in a dangerous situation, like if we're being chased by a grizzly bear. Chances are, you have good reason for fear in that scenario because you aren't likely to win that showdown. But when you fear something that has never shown itself to be dangerous but to you is unknown, that could be F.E.A.R. rather than fear. Our F.E.A.R. keeps us from growing and living the life we were meant to live. It keeps us from stretching our creative muscles. It keeps us stagnant. 

Now, if you want to have the same thing you always had then keep doing the same things you always did. Because if you always do what you always did, you'l alway get what you always got. Who needs that? I have never met anyone who was so deliriously happy with the status quo they wanted to stay in the same place for the rest of their lives. To me, that is a terrifying version of the movie, "Groundhog Day". 

With that being said however, I often find myself being held back by my F.E.A.R.S. Although, I have recently overcome my fear of public speaking and now you can't shut me up. It's a matter of proverbially closing your eyes and jumping right in. 

If you follow the 5-Second Rule (Mel Robbins), you can start to overcome your fears. What is the 5-Second Rule, you ask? You make a decision to do something, count backwards from 5 to 1, and jump right in before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it. This tricks your brain into not trying to protect you from the imaginary grizzly bear. It works and the more you practice it, it works even better.

Challenge yourself to do something that scares you. You may find that it wasn't nearly as scary as your F.E.A.R. made it out to be. Try it and see.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What Are Micronutrients and Why Do I Need Them?

There is so much information about nutrition available to us that it can become overwhelming. Every time you turn around, there is new guidance to follow. Fat is bad, fat is good. Carbs are bad, carbs are good. Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Pescatarian...what works? The important thing is to find a healthy program you are willing to follow and FOLLOW it! 

Let's talk about some of the important components of a healthy eating program. The key is to make sure you have the macro and micro-nutrients required to keep your body functioning optimally. 

Macronutrients are proteins, fats and carbohydrates and most people have at least some level of understanding of what comprises them. 

Micronutrients are mostly vitamins and minerals. They are considered essential nutrients because they must be obtained from outside sources because the human body cannot make them. Minerals are inorganic and found in soil or water. These substances cannot be broken down. Vitamins, however, are produced by plants or animals and are able to be broken down by heat, acid or air. It is important to eat a variety of foods containing micronutrients because each vitamin or mineral has a specific function in the body. 

Vitamins and minerals fall into one of four categories:
  • water soluble vitamins - most vitamins are water soluble and are not easily stored in the body. They are usually flushed through the body through perspiration or urine if too much is consumed.
  • fat soluble vitamins - these do not dissolve in water. These vitamins are more useful in the body when consumed with some fat. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and adipose tissue for future use.
  • macrominerals - these minerals are needed in larger amounts than trace minerals in order to perform their functions in the body
  • trace minerals - while these minerals are needed in smaller amounts they are no less important to the body's functions
Micronutrients are needed for optimal performance and should be consumed in adequate amounts and variety to meet the body's requirements. Micronutrients are needed in some amount for nearly every bodily process. Many vitamins are also antioxidants that protect cells from the damage that causes diseases like cancer, Alzheimers and heart disease. Many minerals also help in disease prevention.

It's important to consume adequate amounts of micronutrients without overdoing it. Eating the rainbow in fruits and vegetables will likely get you the coverage you need in this area or at least close to it. A good quality multi-vitamin will help complete the job.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Most adults in the US are sleep deprived. Not only do we need enough sleep, 7-8 hours each night, but we need good quality sleep. It's important to have a regular sleep schedule and to feel rested after you have had a full night's sleep.

Children need more sleep than adults: 1
  • Teens need 8-10 hours nightly
  • School aged need 9-12 hours nightly
  • Preschoolers need 10-13 hours per day including naps
  • Toddlers need 11-14 hours per day including naps
  • Babies need 12-16 hours per day including naps
There are many health benefits derived from adequate sleep: 1
  • maintain good health
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • lower risk for heart disease or diabetes
  • stress reduction and mood elevation
  • road safety
  • better judgment

 If you have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep or getting good quality sleep, you can make some changes to your daytime behavior to help you sleep more effectively: 1
  • spend some time outside each day
  • plan strenuous physical activity earlier in the day, not just before bedtime
  • stop consumption of caffeine early in the day
  • limit any naps during the day to 20 minutes or less
  • drink alcohol in moderation if at all - 1 drink per day for women; 2 drinks per day for men
  • stop eating three hours before bedtime
  • quit smoking
Changes to your nighttime routine can help as well: 1 
  • go to bed the same time each night
  • get the same amount of sleep each night
  • use your bed for sleep and sex only, no TV, food or screen time
  • if you are still awake after 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing like meditation, or reading but avoid screen use 
If you feel like you aren't getting enough good quality sleep, see a doctor. You could have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. If any of these symptoms are present, you should also see a doctor: 1 

  • frequent loud snoring
  • pauses in breathing during sleep
  • waking up groggy
  • pain or itchy feelings or twitching in extremities
  • trouble staying awake during the day
Adequate and high quality sleep is extremely important to your good health. Even a small decrease in sleep can lead to:
  • memory loss 
  • mood swings
  • higher risk of diabetes and heart disease 
  • increased blood pressure
  • decreased sex drive
  • weakened immune system
  • poor judgment
  • food cravings
  • weight gain
The bottom line is that sleep is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your good health. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, see a doctor for help. You will be amazed at how much better you feel after a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wellness Pill?

Are You Ready for a Wellness Pill? Consider the Nature and Ethics of a Lifestyle Game Changer

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Introduction: Ethics in America
Ethics in government and elsewhere have long been front and center in American politics and business. This is not because of a devotion to ethics by public officials, the general populace or others, but rather due to persistent transgressions of ethical norms, often of a flagrant nature.
Dubious behaviors inconsistent with the public interest have run amok from the earliest days of the Republic, during the nation's middle years (e.g., the Gilded Age), throughout the 20th century and now, perhaps more than ever, in the still-brief era of the mercurial Donald Trump, America's first Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" president. In less than half a year in office, The Donald has brazenly used his high office to promote hotels, golf resorts and other personal interests.
Should we be concerned? Of course.
What If?
A "what if" question related to the promotion of sensible mindsets and lifestyles might be asked at this point.
Suppose I had a REAL wellness ethics laboratory, say in Transylvania, the land many still associate with bloodthirsty vampires and howling wolves where Dr. Frankenstein once did research on rejuvenation. Suppose I devoted every moment I could steal from exercising, dining on vegan treats, meditating and doing yoga (next to none) and otherwise maintaining balance, living in the moment, experiencing WOs and DBRU equivalents and writing about safe, non-controversial topics. If I had a lab and spent time there doing brain research, for instance, what might I discover about ethics and REAL wellness?
I have no idea. I don't have a lab and have never been to Transylvania, though I understand it's a lovely region in the central part of Romania.
Perhaps I could discover the elusive ingredients for a wondrous new medication, a breakthrough REAL wellness brain-changing, non-fattening, non-addictive supplement. I took a chemistry class in high school - maybe I could apply what I remember about the properties of matter, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances and learn ways to put such energies to good use in lifestyle choices. Imagine a magic wellness bullet, a super wellness pill composed of chemical substances that channel just the right impulses in the human brain.
What form might it take? How about a pill, only one per week needed, that would induce impulses that boost reason, exuberance, athleticism and liberty. I'd like to see it come with instructions. For example, the user might be urged to recite aloud a trance-like mantra, perhaps an Ingersollian affirmation I'd create, something like this:
"I am too sensible to waste time on superstitions or Bronze Age rituals, or to bow or cringe before make-belief wizards or gods, knowing my existence is so very brief in this narrow veil between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities."
Like a magic spell, the litany would set in motion chemical processes in the frontal, parietal, occipital and the temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. Electro signals in the glia cells would interact with hormones, thereby engaging the five senses to good effect. I'm starting to think this might work.
What could go wrong?
Consequences of a REAL Wellness Pill
Remember, the purpose of the new med would be to induce a wellness lifestyle, guided by the best values and noblest ethics! Who would program these values and ethics? Well, hell, I'd be willing to give it a shot.
Is there anything to be concerned about should my research pan out? I read somewhere that the Devil lurks in the details. Maybe one dark and stormy night, when lightning bolts are striking all around the REAL wellness lab I set up in Transylvania, a problem might arise with the super pill. For example, perhaps one unintended consequence might occur due to non-compliance with the directions for use.
Could unfortunate things happen if pill takers do not behave in ways consistent with REAL wellness ethics or behaviors? What if users engage in smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or voting Republican? I'm concerned that all manner of bad habits (eating junk food, taking oneself too seriously, thinking some god does favors for some and not others or loves you more than everyone else, failing to nurture a minimal sense of humor or look on the bright side of life - these and other worseness tendencies could interfere with the chemical processes in the brain activated by the REAL wellness pill. Receptor sites in the brain habituated to being stimulated by positive initiatives could, with bad behaviors, cease manufacturing vaccines that alter neuron signaling in the nucleus accumbens. Immunity might be lost against self-pity, morose and peevish reactions and tendencies to whine, wallow and whimper. Dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine transporter systems replete with brain receptors might no longer bind with Ingersollian affirmations.
While most who take my wellness pill would want to proclaim and act upon the wonders of the concept, some might fall off the proverbial wellness wagon. Alas, there could be torments and tribulations to pay for such transgressions.
Ethical Concerns and Questions
What do you think? Would you want such a pill available to just anyone, no questions asked, no qualification required? Should an easy way to wellness be enabled, or discouraged for ethical reasons?
I have not technically or otherwise discovered such a pill. My chances of doing so are not great. I don't have a lab and I didn't do so well in my high school chemistry class, in fact, I switched after a few weeks into a P.E. course. Today I just write essays for Ezine.
For these and a few other reasons, I think it might be best to work out the ethics first, just to be on safe ground, should I ever go down this road and succeed.
But, imagine for a moment that there might someday be such a pill (Wellagra?) and that the maker would want to offer it to any and all seekers - with no need for a prescription, the blessing of clergy or other safeguards. Would you try it?
The consequences of such a choice and others that may come about in the near future are far reaching.
Be well - and let me know what you think.

Should it be this easy? What could go wrong? 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Laugh It Off...It Really Is Good Advice

Have you ever been told to just "laugh it off" when something unpleasant happens? There is  evidence that this is actually very good advice. Here are some ways laughter can be healthy for you.
  1. It may reduce stress - laughing can reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine while also increasing production of happiness hormones like dopamine.
  2. It may help to reduce blood pressure - high blood pressure is often a side effect of stress, so when you reduce the stress hormones, it can lead to a lowering of the blood pressure. Besides, it's hard to stay stressed when you're laughing your head off.
  3. It can aid in the reduction of depression - this is not to say that it is a replacement for medical intervention for those who suffer for a chemical imbalance but laughing while in a depressed state of mind has been known to be a mood enhancer.
  4. It helps us connect with other people - Laughter is contagious. How can anyone watch this video and not start giggling? When you laugh with others, the collective mood is lifted and everyone starts to feel better.
  5. It's good for the cardiovascular system - when you laugh, your blood vessels dilate and your blood flow improves
  6. It can help you to relax - did you ever feel calmer after a really good belly laugh? Almost like you could go to sleep? Laughter can leave your muscles relaxed for almost an hour after you stop laughing.
  7. It can boost the immune system - laughter not only reduces stress hormones but can also increase the production of anti-bodies to fight infection and immune t-cells, helping to fight off disease
  8. It can help tone your abs - laughing expands and contracts your abdominal muscles while allowing your other muscles to relax and de-stress. Sure beats doing crunches.
  9. It can clear brain fog - if you feel foggy or disconnected from what you are doing, take a break and watch a funny video like this and you'll be able think more clearly.
  10. It can help you breathe better - when you laugh heartily, you breathe more deeply and more effectively oxygenate your cells.
Even if you receive none of these benefits, laughing always feels good and isn't that worth it? 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

It Ain't the Fat

I recently read yet another article about how the sugar industry paid for research to implicate dietary fat, rather than sugar, as the major contributing factor for heart disease. The research was being conducted in the 1960s and was being funded by an organization called the Sugar Research Foundation. The group directed the outcome of the study to deflect blame from sugar and onto fat as the primary cause of heart disease. Interestingly enough, there was no mention of where the money for the study came from when the results were published.

The results of this so-called research has been the basis of the dietary guidance we have been given on prevention of heart disease for over fifty years. The problem is, however, we have not seen a decrease in cardiovascular health problems, but rather the opposite. 

Obesity is a major contributing risk factor for developing heart disease and ever since we have been cutting fat from our diets, waistlines have grown, not shrunk. Fat reduction also means taste reduction so in order to sell low fat or non-fat foods, the fat was replaced with, you guessed it...more sugar! What a perfect way to not only deflect blame but also to use more sugar in the production of processed foods. It was a win-win for the sugar industry!

Marion Nestle, Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at NYU was quoted as saying, "Is it really true that food companies deliberately set out to manipulate research in their favor? Yes it is, and the practice continues. In 2015, the New York Times obtained emails revealing Coca-Cola's cozy relationships with sponsored researchers who were conducting studies aimed at minimizing the effects of sugary drinks on obesity. Even more recently, the Associated Press obtained emails showing how a candy trade association funded and influenced studies to show that children who eat sweets have healthier body weights than those who do not.

Seriously??? Kids who eat candy are at a healthier weight than kids who snack on things like fruits and vegetables? I don't think so.

More studies have to be conducted by impartial researchers to see how significant the link is between sugar consumption and cardiac disease but the link is there. The results of the studies done in the 60s are flawed and should be heavily discounted if not ignored. Our misguided belief that fat is the enemy has been a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic we now face in modern society. We need to rethink the dietary guidance we have been given for the past fifty plus years

You can read the whole article here.

If you feel like you may be addicted to sugar and would like to find out more about how I can help you kick that addiction, please go to to schedule a call. I look forward to talking to you.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Bitter Truth

Do you feel like you need to eat something sweet at certain times of the day? Do you fall into an afternoon slump that you think requires a sugary snack as a pick-me-up? When you have a sweet tooth, do you stop at nothing until you satisfy it? You might be addicted to sugar. Many of us are. 

Sugar impacts the same part of the brain that cocaine does. In fact, when laboratory rats are addicted to sugar and cocaine, given the choice between the two, the rats will usually go for the sugar. It's a powerful drug.

Sugar addiction was not always the scourge it currently is. Prior to the 1970s, sugar was consumed in reasonable quantities and was not as prevalent in foods as it is today. We consume a lot more processed food like substances which are full of sugar, salt and cheap, unhealthy fats. Additionally, when the Farm Act was introduced, it became much more lucrative for farmers to grow copious amounts of corn. They needed to do something with all the corn that was grown so they started feeding to grass eating animals like cattle, making fuel and developing a super sweetener called high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 

HFCS became an inexpensive way to sweeten foods and particularly soft drink beverages and replaced imported cane sugar which is subject to tariffs and therefore much more costly to use. Unfortunately, HFCS is very addictive, overloads the system and causes insulin resistance, leading to metabolic syndrome then ultimately diabetes.    

The corn industry would like to convince us that the impact to your body from "corn sugar" as they now call it is the same as cane sugar but that simply is not true. HFCS is higher in fructose which goes directly to your liver to be stored as fat. We have more people developing a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) from overconsumption of soft drinks containing HFCS than ever before. According to the studies cited here, the use of HFCS vs. cane sugar is far more toxic, especially in females. 

Many of us are powerless in the face of sugary treats. As part of my health transformation, I was able to kick sugar addiction but it wasn't easy. I now empower my clients to do the same for themselves. It can be done and the results are remarkable when they are successful. They have so much more energy, sleep better, lose weight, have fewer mood swings due to sugar imbalance and an overall sense of improved well-being. It is so worth taking the leap.   

Would you like to have a conversation about your struggle with sugar addiction? I can help you kick sugar to the curb forever. Go to sign up for a complimentary breakthrough session. You'll be glad you did.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn't Fail?

I have seen this video many times and it never fails to choke me up. I love this man's story of strength, perseverance and ultimate victory. I think it speaks to the resilience of the human spirit when a person has someone else's belief in them and also believes in themselves enough to use the energy from that belief to accomplish what they previously thought was impossible. 

What would you do if you knew success was the only outcome? To what heights would you soar? What chances would you take? If you knew you could not fail, how far would you stretch the limits?

Do you know that the only thing that gets in your way is you? We all have limiting beliefs. We aren't smart enough, don't know enough, don't have the right credentials, aren't pretty enough, are too young/old, too fat/thin, and scads of other beliefs I haven't even identified. We often stay in dead end jobs that are mind numbing and dream killing because of our fear of lack. We think the only way we can pay our bills is to go to that same job day after day to earn a paycheck.

I was one of those people who stayed in a job for a very long time when what I really wanted to do was start my own business. I started my business before I retired and now am playing catch up to move it where I want it to be.

I also had those same beliefs that I mentioned above but they don't serve me so I am writing a different narrative for my life. I am here to serve others through my coaching and leadership. I am fully qualified to do what I am called to do. I can make plenty of money coaching and spreading my message. I have more than enough knowledge and experience to help women regain their health. My age and weight have no bearing on my ability to help others.

What are the limiting beliefs that hold you back from being your best self? How are you going to rewrite the narrative of your life to reach you full potential and realize your wildest dreams?

Write down your limiting beliefs and change each one to a statement that will serve you. Read the new beliefs out loud to yourself over and over and let them really sink in. Your subconscious hears what you say to yourself and absorbs it. It doesn't know truth from lie so why not give it some good feedback instead of tearing yourself down? You will start to believe the good stuff and will begin acting in a way that will make you achieve what you want. Try have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Twelve Wayne Dyer Quotes That Everyone Should Follow

I read a lot of inspirational literature from various people considered "new age" thinkers. I think that's code for "woo woo" or "fluff". I don't care because it makes me look at things from a more positive perspective and has changed my view of my life and my world. 

One of my favorite sources of said inspiration is the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. Much of his belief is rooted in the Tao. The Tao is a philosophy that encourages us to simply accept ourselves and the path of our choosing. Live within our own nature. It's sort of a 'go with the flow' way of life. Following is some of Dr. Dyer's wisdom.

  • Our intention creates our reality.
  • When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
  • If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
  • How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
  • Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.
  • With everything that has happened to you, you can feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.
  • You don't need to be better than anyone else, you just need to be better than you used to be.
  • The more you see yourself as what you'd like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you'll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.
  • The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.
  • Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.
  • Don't die with your music still in you.
  • You will see it when you believe it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Do Any of These Challenges Sound Like You?

In 2010, after a devastating health diagnosis, I changed and, in fact I believe, saved my life. I found out I had an aggressive form of breast cancer and was on the verge of developing diabetes and high blood pressure. 

After undergoing a grueling treatment regimen of chemotherapy for a year and radiation for eight weeks, I made radical changes to my diet and lifestyle. I lost 135 pounds and brought my critical numbers into a healthy range. I removed processed sugar and refined carbohydrates from my diet, eating only whole healthy foods. Over time, I became a pescatarian and removed gluten from my diet. I feel better than I did 30 years ago.

After having done what I did for myself intuitively, I realized that helping others achieve the same or similar results was my calling and I earned certifications in both holistic health coaching and nutritional consulting. I have worked with several clients over the past few years and have found that most of them have the same issues. 

I generally work with women who want to regain their energy and vitality, lose weight, get some good quality sleep, manage hormonal changes and just feel better. They often suffer from overwhelm and confusion about how to go about the changes they need to make to return to good health. We work together to identify their goals and I gently hold them accountable so they can achieve those goals.  

Most of my clients feel they don't have enough time for self-care because of competing priorities. I work with them to figure out how to do it all, or at least to properly set priorities. As women, we often will put everyone else's needs ahead of our own, especially if we have kids. But, you can't pour from an empty pitcher so it's important to take care of ourselves first before we take care of others...just like the flight attendant tells us to put on our own oxygen mask before helping another put theirs on. 

My clients are successful because I break it down in easy to implement steps for them and I am there beside them the whole way to make sure they feel supported. 

If you want to have a chat to see what I do in more detail, please click here to schedule a call. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Four Agreements

Have you ever heard of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? They are simple, really...simple but sometimes difficult to uphold. If you follow these ideals even most of the time, you're doing well. 

Be impeccable with your word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

How often do we use words to drag ourselves and others down? Our sub-conscious hers what we say and can't distinguish between sarcasm and truth.  If we use our words to be self-deprecating we start to believe what we say. Speak only positivity about yourself.

As for others, words that have left your mouth can never be unsaid. Think carefully before you say something that could have a detrimental impact on another person. You can never take those words back. 

Don't take anything personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinion and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

Do you realize that it's never about you? People see you and hear you through their own filter and their own experience. Do not allow someone's opinion of you to derail you because what say and do is a reflection of them, not you. Don't get caught up in someone else's need to feel good about themselves by trying to drag you down to their level. When you do allow that, they have the home court advantage. 

Don't make assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Never assume the intent of someone by their words. Again, it is not about you. Ask for clarity if someone is expressing something you are unclear about. You may find that an experience they had clouded their view of a situation. If you ask for clarity and you communicate openly and honestly, you can clear the air and release the drama.

Always do your best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well-rested. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self abuse and regret.

Always just put one foot in front of the other. Some days will be a sprint and some days will be a stroll. As long as you give it what you can, you've done your best. Be gentle with yourself. Don't judge or berate yourself if your best isn't what you want it to be. One step forward at a time. 

I challenge myself and anyone interested in trying this to adhere to the four agreements for a full week and see if you notice any difference in your life. It will be simple but not easy.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

What Are Your Thoughts on Flu Shots?

If you saw the Golden Globe Awards a few weeks ago, you know that there was a moment when several syringe-wielding white coated individuals descended upon the attendees and administered flu shots to the unsuspecting crowd. See the clip here.

In my mind, regardless of one's position on vaccines, the choice to take or not take a flu shot belongs to the patient. To be ambushed at an awards show on broadcast television is unconscionable.

There are many things to consider when deciding on whether to get the vaccine. 
  • The current year's vaccine is developed using the previous year's virus, which means that the vaccine may not be effective against this year's strain and you can still develop the flu
  • You could have a severe reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. One of the questions asked when getting the shot is whether you are allergic to eggs or feathers. Taking the shot with those allergies could result in symptoms like:
    • difficulty breathing
    • wheezing
    • rapid heartbeat
    • rash or hives
    • swelling around eyes or mouth
    • feeling weak or dizzy
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the peripheral nerves. It can be triggered by the flu shot. 
I personally choose not to be vaccinated against the flu but would rather eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, take high quality supplements and manage my stress level. What do you do? 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

What's on Your Bucket List?

Do you ever think about all the things you want to experience before you die? Do you want to jump out of an airplane like I do? George H.W. Bush did it on a few of his his 90s! So I still have time.

How about visiting an exotic island?                                                  Or seeing the Northern Lights?

What would you do if you had all the time, money and freedom you wanted? Would you do something to change the world? Start now. Do something from your list. I may take that leap out of the plane one day.

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Happiest Place on Earth

I remember the first time we took our kids to Disney World. They were almost 4 and 7. It was magical. We went in early December so there were no crowds and the weather was beautiful. We stayed on the property in the Cabins at Fort Wilderness and saw everything we wanted to see and did everything we wanted to do. 

We had dinner one night with the characters and Minnie Mouse was there, dressed to the nines. My little one looked at her and said, "Isn't she just beautiful?" She was so excited to have her picture taken with Minnie. It was precious. 

She was mesmerized when she went through Minnie's house and saw where she "lived". After much consideration, my little one said very seriously that she didn't think Minnie actually lived in the house because the cheese in the fridge was plastic.

Nothing can compare to the nightly fireworks display at the Disney parks. They pull out all the stops and put on a spectacular display that would rival any Fourth of July celebration. One of the evenings we were riding the boat back to our cabin, the captain stopped in the middle of the lake so we could watch the fireworks in the water. We had front row seats to a great light display.

Say what you will about Disney but they are geniuses at customer service, marketing, family entertainment, you name it. You can take your kids into their parks but good luck getting them out.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

This Day in History January 17, 1977

Are you old enough to remember a prisoner named Gary Gilmore? He was convicted of a double homicide and executed by firing squad in Utah. The unique aspect of his story is that he was the first person to be put to death in the US after capital punishment was reinstated in 1976. (1)

In 1972, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided that the death penalty violated the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution because it was considered cruel and unusual punishment. This ruling was based on the grounds that the states imposed the death penalty in "arbitrary and capricious ways" particularly with respect to race. In 1976, however, SCOTUS reversed the decision and allowed states to impose the death penalty but required the states to develop specific guidelines around its imposition. (1)

Not much has changed in the 40+ years since the reinstatement of the death penalty. Racial disparity is alive and well in the United States. African Americans make up approximately 13% of the general US population but are 42% of the inmates on death row and 35% of those executed. Additionally, if the victim is white the killer is much more likely to receive the death penalty. 

People of color were less likely to be able to plea bargain to spare their lives than white defendants. A study conducted by the Department of Justice found that 48% of white defendants were able to plead guilty and receive life in prison compared to 25% of African Americans and 28% of Hispanics. (2)

The death penalty is a hot button issue. Those in favor of it feel that it is a deterrent to crime and costs less than keeping an inmate imprisoned for life. They feel it is justified for taking another's life and it keeps the criminal from committing any future crime. Those in opposition of the death penalty feel it is unfairly imposed on people of color and those of meager means to hire a qualified attorney, does not deter crime and it gives government too much power by allowing the decision to take a human life. (3)

Mistakes can be made and innocent people can and have been convicted, sentenced and even executed. Imposing the death penalty cannot be reversed like a jail sentence. Once someone is executed, obviously there is no bringing them back if new evidence can exonerate them. With the introduction of DNA technology, there have been several cases of mistaken conviction overturned. 

Can you imagine if you knew of someone who was wrongly executed? I don't know if I could live with myself if I was on a jury that voted for execution of a wrongly convicted person. What are your thoughts?


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What Inspires You?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. 
- Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Confucius

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear - George Addair

I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. - Nelson Mandela

If you believe it will work out, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't, you will see obstacles.  - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Are You Putting Any of These Ingredients on Your Skin?

10 Toxic Ingredients to Keep Out of Your Skincare

Parabens - used as a preservative to prevent mold growth. Because of their estrogenic properties, paragons are endocrine disruptors that have been linked to breast cancer 

Artificial Color and Fragrance - have been known to trigger allergies, headache, ADHD and asthma, among other things. They can cause skin irritation and reproductive problems. Many of these ingredients have been banned in the European Union where they have much tighter oversight in the cosmetic industry.

Phthalates - a group of chemicals used in plastic to increase pliability.   The main phthalates in cosmetics and personal care products are dibutyl phthalate in nail polish, diethyl phthalate in perfumes and lotions, and dimethyl phthalate in hair spray. They are known to be endocrine disruptors and have been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues in women.

Triclosan - anti-microbial chemical found in anti-bacterial hand cleaners and other personal care products. While there is little to no evidence that using anti-bacterial sanitizing products is any better than  washing with regular soap and water, there is a concern the the use of this chemical is contributing to the increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria. This chemical is also an endocrine disruptor, specifically harmful to the thyroid and reproductive hormones. 

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) - found in most personal care products, primarily body washes and shampoos. They are known to irritate eyes and skin and cause breathing problems. A major concern with these chemicals is their interaction with other chemicals to become carcinogenic. 

Formaldehyde - a main ingredient in embalming fluid. This preservative has been linked to nasal and nasopharyngeal cancers. It can be a skin irritant and negatively impact the immune system.

Toluene - derived from petroleum products. It appears on labels as benzene, toluol, phenylmethane, and methylbenzene.  Used as a solvent in paint thinners, toluene can be found in nail products and hair color/bleaching products.  It can cause skin irritation and nausea.  Pregnant women should stay away from toluene because it can cause fetal damage.

Propylene glycol -   classified as a skin irritant and penetrator. It has been associated with causing dermatitis as well as hives in humans in very small concentrations. It can be found in moisturizers, sunscreen, makeup products, conditioners, shampoo and hair sprays.

Mineral oil - petroleum distillate. Mineral oil is what is left over from petroleum processing and is considered a hazardous material. It’s cheaper for the oil companies to sell it to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries to be sanitized and used in their products than it is to pay the disposal fees. Mineral oil is occlusive which means it blocks the absorption of any beneficial ingredients that may be in your skincare. It’s like putting plastic wrap on your skin before applying your skincare products.

The older I get, the more important self-care has become to me. We are only given one body and it is imperative that we take care of it. I teach people how to take care of their bodies from the inside out. Treat your body like a temple...not a tent.

Monday, January 14, 2019

What's Holding You Back?

I have been dealing with some hesitancy on my part to really put myself 'out there' wherever 'out there' is. I want to grow my health and nutrition coaching business by expanding into group coaching and pubic speaking. But...I'm a little afraid. What if I fail? What if no one comes to my classes? Or comes to see me speak? Or believes what I have to say? What if, what if, what if... 

Do you have similar gremlins in your head keeping you from living your best life? I have heard that the word FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. It's your ego that tells you that you won't be successful or you shouldn't even try something because it might be dangerous. Your ego is taking direction from your amygdala. 

Do you know what your amygdala's job is? It is designed to alert you to a dangerous situation. But your amygdala doesn't know the difference between an impending grizzly bear attack and an upcoming speaking engagement. So when the body a change in your situation or surroundings, the amygdala will prepare your body for fight or flight. This functionality comes in really handy when you have to outrun the grizzly bear but not so much when you want to put your message out into the world.

Although I am not always successful, I try to remind myself that no one will die if I fall flat on my face, figuratively of course. I may be embarrassed for a bit but I will have made the effort, and for that I hope I will give myself credit.  

I was inspired by another blogpost today that basically said if we wait for the 'right time' to do something, that time may never come. So I'm going to put myself 'out there' to do what I feel I was put on this planet to do. We all have a gift to bring to the world. What is yours?

"Don't die with your music still in you." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Reflections for a Sunday Evening

I remember dreading Sunday evenings for so many years because it meant that the next morning I had to get up and go to school or work. Now every week consists of six Saturdays and a Sunday, I don't mind Sunday evenings at all. That's what retirement from your day job will do for you. So here are a few thoughts I am having this evening:
  • Football season is essentially over for everyone in my family except my niece and her husband...diehard Patriot fans
  • One of the simple pleasures in my life is having all the laundry washed dried and folded for the week on Sunday night
  • There is nothing more refreshing than a nice nap on a Sunday afternoon. I could never do that while I was working because I would be awake all night after even the shortest nap. Now it doesn't matter and it no longer happens.
  • I love lists. I either have one in my head (only worth the paper it's written on) or one that is actually written down of what I want/need to get done during the week. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But I know from experience that it has a better chance of getting done if it makes the list. 
Sundays are still the beginning of the week for me because old habits die hard. However, it really is nice to know that if I don't want to start my Monday morning early, I usually don't have to do so. Life is good in retirement. I highly recommend it.